There are three suggestions that you can follow to improve indoor air quality and these are as follows,
Improved ventilation
Source control
Air cleaners
Now we will discuss all these strategies in detail
Improved ventilation
To decrease the concentration of indoor air toxic waste in your home is done by increasing the amount of air that is coming inside. Most Heating and cooling systems do not bring fresh air into the house mechanically. You should always buy heating or cooling systems by taking the advice of experts. Heating and cooling system professionals can help in properly installing your systems. Operating window or attic fans or opening doors and windows also increases the ventilation rate. Local fans and bathrooms can also exhaust outdoors to help in removing contaminants from the room where a fan is present and it also increases the outdoor air ventilation rate.
When you are involved in short-term activities that can cause high levels of pollutants, it is specifically important to take as many steps as you can. These steps include heating with a kerosene heater, painting, paint stripping, cooking, or engaging in maintenance and hobby activities, for example, soldering, sanding, or welding. If the weather allows you, you also select to do some of these activities outdoors.
Now there are advanced designs of new homes that are also featuring mechanical systems that take outdoor air into the home. Some of these advanced designs also include ventilators which are energy efficient.
Shading and ventilation are really helpful in controlling indoor temperatures. Ventilation is helpful in removing the indoor pollutants that came from indoor sources. This improves indoor air quality and the level of contaminants. Carefully check out the pollutants that are coming from outdoors, for example, refuse, nearby, or smoke. In improving air quality, the introduction of outdoor air is very important. Air can make an entry into the home in different ways,
Through mechanical means, for example, outdoor air intake is associated with ventilation, heating, and air conditioning.
Through doors and windows, by natural ventilation.
Infiltration is a process by which outdoor air goes into the house through cracks, joints and openings, ceilings and floors, and also around doors and windows.
As natural ventilation helps in improve air quality examples of natural ventilation are as follows,
1. Window shading such as the closing of blinds
2. Opening doors and windows
The forced air heating systems and air conditioning systems do not bring outdoor air inside your house.
Source Control
The most effective way to improve the quality of air is by eliminating individual sources of pollution or to decrease their emissions. Some sources also contain asbestos that can be enclosed or sealed and some of them like gas stoves can be adjusted to reduce the number of emissions. Source control is a very effective and cost-efficient approach to improve or protect indoor air quality while increasing ventilation because increasing ventilation also increases energy costs.
Air Cleaner
In the market, different sizes and types of air cleaners also range from tabletop inexpensive models to sophisticate and expensive whole systems of houses. Mist air cleaners are very efficient at particle removal but many others include most tabletop models. These cleaners are not specifically designed to remove gaseous pollutants. The efficiency of air cleaners is only dependent on how well it collects toxic waste from indoor air and how much air it takes through the filtering or cleaning method. A very effective collector with having low air-circulation rate will not be as efficient as expected. A cleaner with a high air-circulation rate and a less efficient collector will also be not effective. The cleaner should be maintained according to the direction of the manufacturer.
Another factor that also determines the efficiency of the air cleaner is the strength of toxic waste. Specifically, the tabletop cleaner does not remove the effective amount of pollutants from the strong source. In the past few years, people have assumed that houseplants can reduce the levels of chemicals during laboratory experiments. But currently, there is no evidence that houseplants have removed certain quantities of waste materials in offices and homes. Your home plants should not be watered daily as over-watering can cause an increase in the growth of microorganisms that can affect allergic individuals.
Now, EPA has not suggested using air cleaners to reduce the levels of radon and its decay product. This is because the efficiency of these devices is not specific. After all, they do not remove the radon completely.
Are you struggling while installing the heating and cooling systems? Contact an HVAC expert from our company in Russellville Arkansas. If you are struggling with your home’s indoor air quality then our professionals can guide you through the proper channel.